Animated illustrations
Animations are usually curated for children and used in their education books. They are creative and colorful to attract attention. Also, they are really interesting and interactive to go through. Even adults find it fascinating.
Bhagya prominently focuses on two kinds of drawings. First, imaginary characters with coordinating backgrounds and second, caricatures and specified drawings. According to her, both of these forms are very important to her and she equally polishes her skills in both the aspects. When we asked her about her inspiration, she shared a beautiful tale. She grew up in a rural area in Sri Lanka and wasn’t exposed to outer world much. She was confined to the boundaries of her town but her imagination flowed seamlessly. Her transition happened when she stepped out as an adult and grabbed much needed exposure and freedom. She cherished every moment she had and captured those memories in her art. Bhagya expressed her every desire in her drawings and amalgamated her reality and aspirations.
Our artist states that imagination is the prerequisite for any art. The initial step of creation is the ideation process. An idea hits your mind and then you think of ways to execute the idea. Also, there is improvisation in the process which helps in customizing the piece according to the requirements and theme. Bhagya also emphasized on having knowledge about colors and patterns. The color combination reflects the mood and theme so it is one important element in the drawing.
Bhagya Madanasinghe grew up in Tea Estate around the undulating mountains to the hilly side of Sri Lanka. She pursued her advanced studies in Physical Science but her inclination was always towards illustrations and art. Her area of interest lies in children’s illustrations and imaginary art. Bhagya used to scribble doodles in her notebooks and used to illustrate cartoon characters like Winnie the Pooh. Her colleagues motivated her to create more and that’s when she started displaying her art to the world via her Instagram.
Bhagya suggests everyone to practice consistently and research simultaneously. Along with this, observation is a great skill to learn and be good at. She also advises to stop comparing your own work with someone else’s because that can be highly demotivating. And originality is all that matters and It will eventually lead you to your target, states Bhagya.
To wrap the segment, here’s a quote, “create your own style and that’s the ultimate happiness of a true artist.”