Home Influencer Stories Food A Passion for Food that turned into a Career – Karan Singhal

A Passion for Food that turned into a Career – Karan Singhal


With over 150,000 followers on Instagram, Karan Singhal (@thefoodattacker) has taken the Food Blogger world by storm. Having collaborated with major brands like Pepsi, Pizza Hut, Dominoes, Chaayos and many others, and posting about New Delhi’s street food, Karan’s Instagram feed is sure to make anyone’s mouth water.

Karan Singhal has always loved food. When his mother would cook, he would stand beside her and watch how it was done. He would also google new recipes to try out. “I would keep making suggestions to my mom, to add in ingredients to the recipe or to reduce them. I guess in that sense, I’ve always been a food critic.” he says.

He wanted to be a chef, but was unable to; as, at the time a science background was required to pursue a Hotel Management course. Now, he still enjoys cooking for his family at home.

He started his Instagram journey when he was travelling through Jaipur. He was new to Instagram at the time and decided to give it a shot.

Some time later he posted a photo of his meal at home, that went viral. He says, “My parents are very religious, they’d put a Tulsi leaf on the thali(Plate) as a sign that the food was offered to God. Overtime, that Tulsi leaf became my trademark, its how people started to recognise my photos.”

Karan says that food is his passion. He started his page out of a sheer love for food. “I don’t visit the same restaurant twice, because I believe that every chef has his own way of making a dish that makes his food unique.” he says.

He shoots and edits all the photos on his Instagram feed. He says, “It gets quite hectic at times, to manage my Food Outlet , as well as taking photographs and editing them.”

He hopes to promote the enjoyment of home cooked food. According to Karan, food prepared at home is much healthier. And you can see how it is prepared, unlike restaurants. He also promotes eating healthier, maintaining a balanced diet, and working out at ho

Talking about his personal preferences, Karan speaks about his schedule for meals: Breakfast at 8:30am, some fruit at 11am, Lunch at 1pm, Tea in the evening, and he skips dinner, to have a healthier lifestyle. Being from Delhi, North-Indian cuisine is his favourite, and Dal Makhani is his favourite dish.

With a large following, Karan must constantly be wary of his account being hacked. This happened once when Karan had over 20,000 followers. After great difficulty, he got back access to his account.

While he travels around to various places, Karan ensures he has at least one meal at home with his family, because family time is important to him.

Singhal’s advice to people starting off in the food blogger community, is to work hard. He says, “It won’t happen overnight. You need dedication, and a passion for food. If it is your passion, you will give it 110% of your efforts.”

Now Karan has changed his lifestyle to vegeterianism and also dreams to open a Cafe. So he has taken a step forward and opened a small Food Outlet named “Saakshaat’s Swaadishtham “.It is a 100% Vegeterian Food Outlet.

He hopes to keep exploring, trying, and tasting new foods, as he continues to follow his passion.



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